The Creative Process: Journal Entry 6

May, 04, 2020

Sunday, 17 February 2018, 8:10PM

Loud muffled voices from a radio talkshow seep through the ceiling of my office. It’s the third night in a row that the neighbour above us plays her radio loud enough to be heard down in my unit late into the evening. Not even the sweet sound of Beethoven playing in my headphones can cancel out the talkshow.

It’s not helping me at the moment, the long days of working and sleepless nights listening to the grumbling of a radio have made me irritable and exhausted. I did not need the radio to continue tonight, not when I’m not in the mood to actually write. Tonight I’d rather spend it reading, give Creativity a break from trying to produce work. Both she and I would rather rest, curl up in my armchair and immerse ourselves in a different world. A world that could possibly help flesh out our understanding of the worlds we’ve created.

But before we can immerse ourselves and flesh out the worlds in my books, I have to fill in this week’s journal entry. We’re impatient, so, with regards to word-count, I’m ending it earlier than I would normally. Sorry.

(originally written for ENGL 224, winter 2018)

Note from the author:

The above text was originally written for a lecture on the Creative Process taught at Concordia University. I took the course during the winter semester of 2018, and was required to fill out a weekly journal about my creative process. At the end of the semester, I transferred the texts over from my university student portal to a handwritten journal, before I could lose my work. They will now live on The Finn Press as a means of giving them a new life beyond the physical binding of a notebook. The texts are by no means perfect and predominantly written hours before the midnight deadline in a tired blur. Do enjoy!

C.C. Pereira

A university student living in the vibrant city of Montréal and creator of The Finn Press.

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C.C. Pereira, writer, reader, and editor from Montreal with a taste for adventure. Tag along as I explore my hometown, travel, and write.