Quarantine Day 6

May, 15, 2020

29th March 2020

Will and I have quickly noticed the importance of staying occupied, or rather, devoting all of this new found time to work on ourselves and personal projects. It’s the reason I’m writing this entry from a moving a car, heading to a farm field near Rigaud. Our first week of quarantine saw us exhausting the repertoires of movies and shows on Netflix, Disney and Youtube. With the exception of my first day spent working from home, and helping Will practice his photography skills Friday afternoon, we’re not doing so well at being productive. We’re trying, but we need to work on it.

At the moment, I’m not too worried about being newly unemployed. Maybe later when the funds start running out, but that’s only if this stay home order last a little longer than a year. Hopefully, it won’t come to that. For now our mornings are spent keeping a close eye on the news.

To date, Quebec has reached a total of 2840 confirmed cases of the virus. It’s expected to keep rising. A part of me knows this will get worse before it gets better, I just hope it’s not as long as some predict. Until then, Will and I are staying cautious, and taking advantage of the time we have. It’s our goal to come out of this stronger as a couple and as individuals. We hope and are working towards coming out of this with a clearer path to ur goals in life.

Don’t be hopeful for an update through all of this. I’ll try my best though.

C.C. Pereira

A university student living in the vibrant city of Montréal and creator of The Finn Press.

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C.C. Pereira, writer, reader, and editor from Montreal with a taste for adventure. Tag along as I explore my hometown, travel, and write.