Quarantine Day 39

May, 15, 2020

1st May 2020

It’s been a while since I’ve written. Lately my days have been busy packing and unpacking our belongings and patching up the holes in our walls. In an effort to think about our longterm future, Will and I have said goodbye to our Lachine apartment and have moved into my parents’ basement. It’ll be two weeks in three days since we moved and I’m already missing my time alone.

Tonight, Will and I have driven down to the waterfront. He’s near me snapping pictures of the sun setting over the mouth of Lac des Deux Montagnes and I’m busy walking the shoreline searching for driftwood and river stones. The loud crashing waves of the Rivière des Prairies by my feet, soothes my overwhelmed mind. Every ounce of tension hoarded up since the move, lapping away with the receding water. We are only two weeks in and I’m already losing my patience. The heavy cumulonimbus cloud trapped inside my parents’ home, suffocating whatever peace and tranquility I brought with me. Its pressure flaring my temper, but with the windows and doors closed, the burst of a heavy rain shower never comes.

I’m not sure how I’ll manage the next four years, but, it’s a sacrifice we’re making for a home of our own.

C.C. Pereira

A university student living in the vibrant city of Montréal and creator of The Finn Press.

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C.C. Pereira, writer, reader, and editor from Montreal with a taste for adventure. Tag along as I explore my hometown, travel, and write.